
Get Ready for More Garbage

A year ago, in its response to EIR claims about waste volumes anticipated at the proposed Weldon Canyon dump, the Environmental Coalition pointed out that “there is no substantial evidence that there can be any limitations on customers served at a private landfill.”

The coalition spelled out the reason: “Under Interstate Commerce Commission rules, a county cannot mandate discrimination between customers of a private owner/operator over county or even state lines.” For Ventura County, this could mean a horrendous influx of garbage from Los Angeles, Santa Barbara or anywhere in the country. County staff and other Weldon backers discounted the concern with the statement that Ventura has an ordinance preventing the importation of garbage.

On June 1, in a case involving Michigan restrictions on out-of-state waste, the Supreme Court concluded exactly what the coalition had predicted. It ruled that such bans (as Ventura’s) “unambiguously discriminate against interstate commerce” and are invalid. Just how this is going to be handled in the revised EIR is not yet apparent. It can’t be ignored this time around. Any city, county or state that permits a private dump in its jurisdiction deserves anything it gets. You can bet they’ll get it, too, by the thousands of tons.


Does anyone doubt that Waste Management Inc. meant to reap the profits from out-of-county garbage while we got the impacts?

RUTH SHIMER, Chairperson

Solid Waste Committee

Environmental Coalition

of Ventura County
