
Southeast Area : National Merit Scholarships Go to 14 Local Students

Fourteen area students are among the 6,300 high school seniors nationwide who will receive scholarships through the nonprofit National Merit Scholarship Corp.

The students became eligible for the honor by earning high scores on the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test, a standardized exam taken by more than 1 million college-bound high students. Judges also evaluated the winners based on their academic records, activities, interests, career goals and potential for success in college. The honor is worth up to $2,000 a year.

Five students from Polytechnic High in Long Beach won scholarships: Deborah J. Truitt, Michael Cipra, Eric Dickson, Tina Kim and Sue Ann Wee.


Whitney High in Cerritos had four winners: Willy C. Tsai, Rosalind B. McCormack, John Hsu and Mark Chin.

Other area winners were James M. Schipper of Valley Christian High in Cerritos, Tanya M. Barauskas of La Mirada High, Ronald M. Yang of Cerritos High, and Long Beach students Darryl W. Dunn of Wilson High and James F. Sanchez of Millikan High.
