
Controversy Over Gay Pride Month

Congratulations to members of the Los Angeles Board of Education! Proclaiming June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month took a real act of courage on their part, knowing what backlash they would receive from the religious right.

I am a gay man, nearing 40 years of age. While everyone remembers the emotional Angst of being a teen-ager, I also remember this terrible dark secret that I was sexually attracted to members of my own sex. It was a terrifying and debilitating place to be, and there was absolutely no one to talk to. I was convinced that I was alone in the world.

These many years later, I’ve come to terms with my sexuality, and feel emotionally secure in life. But how I wish I had people like Jeff Horton (openly gay school board member) and Virginia Uribe (Project 10) around when I was in high school. Years of pain and agony could have been vanquished in much less time.


