
Navy’s Tailhook Incident

I dislike and question your motives in giving the Tailhook (Navy fliers) incident so much space. By all counts it was a minor event and not worthy of the coverage given it by newspapers and TV.

I dislike it because its center of gravity is the feminization of our military. I have from the first deplored our nation’s push for women in the armed services. Beyond certain limited functions, they are largely useless to the American military mission.

Precisely because they do not fit in with the normal and necessary masculine atmosphere of military life, they have nothing to offer of value to the armed services except contention, strife and petty accusations. Our rather rough-hewn and decidedly masculine military has served us quite well in the past.


In the future when diplomacy has deteriorated to a contest of firepower we will find that one of these maligned Navy fliers will be worth more than all the women in all the services put together.

ERIC DORN, San Diego
