
BREAKING WITH CONVENTION: With Madonna leading the...

BREAKING WITH CONVENTION: With Madonna leading the charge, some forces are out to heat up Fun City during this week’s Democratic National Convention. The singer-actress-multimedia mogul is scheduled to speak at an AIDS Action Unity Rally on Tuesday in Times Square.

On a smaller note, an organization calling itself the Unconventionals (a loose confederation of anarchists and Yippies--remember them?) is scheduled to hold an all-day Crash the Convention concert today in Central Park’s south side. The lineup is expected to include veteran anachro-folkie Tuli Kupferberg (an original member of the Yippie-related Fugs) and other anti-Establishment types. Later this week the same group will sponsor a pro-marijuana concert and “smoke-in,” culminating in a march to the Madison Square Garden convention site “to teach Bill Clinton to inhale.”

Today there’s also another Central Park concert with a liberal leaning, but no official connection to the convention. Pete Seeger, Billy Bragg and Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy are among the acts scheduled to pay tribute to Woody Guthrie on the 80th anniversary of his birth.
