
Sweet Peas Are a Snap


Just before the summer heat gets the best of us, before everyone gives up on cooking, it’s time for a harvest of sugar snap peas. These delicious peas--as sweet as sugar, as crisp as celery and as easy to eat as peanuts--are planted in late March or early April and start coming to market in late June.

The best place to find sugar snap peas is at a farmers’ market. For when this delicacy is ready, it’s not going to thrive in a storage area or produce bin for days.

Figure on a handful for a serving and buy only what will be eaten in a day or two. To prepare the peas, snap off the stem tips and gently pull downward, pulling off the tips and the string with it.


Aside from the flavor, the great advantage of sugar snap peas is that they require so little preparation. Either saute them in olive oil or cook them briefly in water to cover. The peas should be tender, but not cooked to the point that they turn olive green.

In the following delicious salad, sugar snap peas are combined with potatoes, shallot and dill, an herb that accents the grassy taste of the peas.


1/2 pound small new potatoes, unpeeled

2 ounces sugar snap peas

1 shallot, minced

1 heaping tablespoon minced fresh dill

3 to 4 tablespoons mayonnaise


Freshly ground white pepper

Wash potatoes but do not peel. Cook in pan with boiling water to cover, about 25 minutes.

Meanwhile, trim peas. Cut large peas widthwise in half on diagonal. About 5 minutes before potatoes are done, add peas to potatoes. Cook until both are tender. Drain well. Cut potatoes into bite-size pieces.


Place potatoes and peas in serving bowl along with shallot, dill and mayonnaise. Stir gently, but well. Season to taste with salt and white pepper. Either serve warm or chill 1 hour before serving. Makes 2 servings.

