
PEROT BOWS OUT : Perot’s Statement


Following is the text of Ross Perot’s statement announcing his decision not to pursue an independent bid for the White House.

Several million volunteers in all 50 states have done a brilliant job in re-establishing a government that comes from the people. Both political parties are now squarely focused on the issues that concern the American people. Being associated with the volunteers across this country in the last few months has been one of the great experiences of my life.

Their love of their country and their idealism is just as apparent when you visit with them. And throughout this effort we have said repeatedly that our objective is to improve our country, not disrupt the political process.


We have said among ourselves, and publicly, that we must win in November. We must win a majority of electoral votes. As you know, if we cannot win in November, the election will be decided in the House of Representatives, and since the House of Representatives is made up primarily of Democrats and Republicans, our chances of winning would be pretty slim.

Now that the Democratic Party has revitalized itself, I have concluded that we cannot win in November and that the election will be decided in the House of Representatives. Since the House of Representatives does not pick the President until January, the new President will be unable to use the months of November and December to assemble the new government.

I believe it would be disruptive for us to continue our program since this program would obviously put it in the House of Representatives and be disruptive to the country. . . . So therefore I will not become a candidate.


And the states’ petitions have not yet been turned in. I urge the volunteers to turn them in so that both parties can know exactly who the people are who are so concerned about their country’s future.

If the petitions are turned in, both parties will continue to give a great deal of attention to the concerns of these fine people, and this is good for the people, for the parties to be very close to what the people want.

New York state is scheduled to start its petition-signing today. I urge the volunteers in New York state to complete the process and turn in their petitions so that everybody running for President will know the names and addresses of all the people who are not happy with the way things are today.


I’d like to thank the members of the press who have been assigned to this effort. And again, I would like to thank the volunteers--the dedicated teams across the country--who have worked so valiantly to get this done. Nothing like this has ever occurred before in American politics.

I compliment you on your patriotism, your idealism, your creativity and your ingenuity. There is no question that you have changed politics in this country, and it is a change for the better. And all you have to do is listen to what both of the party candidates are saying now. They are basically focused totally on the things that so concerned you.

So to all the volunteers, I’ll always look back on this with the fondest of memories, and my memories will be focused on you and your greatness, because you are America. And I am certain that the Founding Fathers would be very proud of you.
