
WEARY DRINKERS: Drunk-driving convictions are going down...

WEARY DRINKERS: Drunk-driving convictions are going down in Orange County, and officials say one reason may be greater awareness about the tougher laws: Police can now take your license away on the spot for drunk driving, and the permitted blood alcohol level has dropped from 0.10 to 0.08. . . . But Linda Pringle, head of the county’s still-busy alcohol programs for drunk drivers, says: “Some will drink and drive no matter what the consequences.”

Intoxicated Drivers

Drunk-driving convictions are down almost 20% from three years ago:

Number of convictions

1988-’89: 16,895

1989-’90: 14,635

1990-’91: 15,043

1991-’92: 13,692

Source: Orange County alcohol programs
