
No Increase for AIDS Research Funding

Howard Rosenberg’s article “Some Journalists Playing Wrong Roles” (Section A, July 16) wrongly reinforces misinformation that NBC anchor Tom Brokaw spread to his viewers after AIDS activists Bob Hattoy and Elizabeth Glaser spoke at the Democratic Convention.

President Bush did not approve a 3% increase in AIDS research and education this last year as Brokaw asserted. In fact, Bush proposed a cut in AIDS research.

Bush has entirely eliminated an important housing program for people with AIDS. Furthermore, he substantially cut AIDS education programs to minority communities.


The Bush Administration continues to support active discrimination by private insurers, which account for more than 95% of the insurance coverage for Americans working in corporations with 5,000 or more employees. The result is that American taxpayers are paying nearly 50% of inpatient care for AIDS because HIV-positives and people with AIDS are redlined or rescinded legally by American insurance companies and end up on Medicaid.

The astoundingly cynical Republican strategy to pit AIDS activists against activists for cancer and heart disease has been successful when such normally responsible reporters as Brokaw and Rosenberg start espousing it.


Former Editor-in-Chief

The Advocate, Los Angeles
