
CLIPBOARD: Alcohol’s Highway Toll Declines

For the decade ended in 1991, alcohol-related deaths and injuries reached their highs statewide in 1987. By 1991, there had been significant declines in both measures--particularly in Orange County.

Statewide, fatalities dropped 26%. The drop for Orange County was 46%. In the urbanized Southern California region, only Ventura County recorded a larger drop.

And although there were 19% fewer alcohol-related injuries overall on the state’s highways, in Orange County there were 31% fewer--the biggest drop in the region.


Here are the comparisons:

DEATHS INJURIES 1987-91 1987-91 County 1987 1991 % Decline 1987 1991 % Decline Los Angeles 568 441 22 19,304 16,455 15 Orange 166 89 46 5,815 3,993 31 Riverside 164 114 30 2,687 2,308 14 San Bernardino 221 140 37 3,848 3,012 22 San Diego 210 162 23 5,316 4,527 15 Ventura 53 27 49 1,540 1,140 26 STATEWIDE 2,754 2,048 26 68,816 55,779 19

Source: California Highway Patrol
