
The Vote on Environmental Issues

Results of voting Tuesday on environmental issues. Vote counts are complete or at 97% or higher :

APPROVED Alabama: Create Forever Wild program for state to buy, preserve wilderness. Won 82% to 18%. South Dakota: Limit large-scale gold and silver surface mining in Black Hills. Won 57% to 43%.

REJECTED Massachusetts: Require recyclable, reusable packaging. Lost 59% to 41%. Excise tax on toxic chemicals, some petroleum products. Lost 59% to 41%. North Dakota: Regulate and tax waste, create Environmental and Recycling Fund. Lost 50.3% to 49.7%. Ohio: Require warning labels on toxic products, warnings to neighbors of companies producing toxins. Lost 78% to 22%. Oregon: Shut state’s only nuclear power plant. Lost 60% to 40%. Shut state’s only nuclear power plant, and not at consumers’ expense. Lost 57% to 43%. South Dakota: Landfill for out-of-state garbage. Lost 70% to 30%.
