
Smoking in the Movies

I was dismayed when I read the article about smoking in movies. I am sure it was Proposition 99 money which financed this 1 1/2-year study conducted by UC San Francisco professor of medicine Stanton Glantz. His most interesting comment was that “movies are a teaching device for kids.” This explains all the mayhem, brutality and viciousness displayed by many of our young adults today, because our movies of the past few years seem to concentrate on these factors. There is more blood and gore in today’s films than in all the years of filmmaking up to a few years ago. Glantz should be more concerned about that impact on our kids rather than what percentage of male, middle-class, youthful, heroic, attractive, etc., actors were smoking 20 and 30 years ago.

What a waste of our tax money!


President, L.A. Chapter

Californians for Smokers Rights
