
Convention Center

The article “Convention Center Hotel Supported” (Nov. 20) reveals the absolute folly of the so-called “task force of dozens of architects, community leaders and tourism officials.”

With hotel occupancy hovering around 60% downtown, what genius or congregation of idiots decided that more such space would enhance those occupancy rates?

What really ought to be considered is a possible indictment of those who originally put a convention center in a location that speaks nothing of why people really come to California in the first place. And then, bless these marvelous downtown planners, they spend everybody’s tax money to expand the misplaced operation and ask us to subsidize the attraction of another hotel.


That the CRA and the city have squandered $500 million on the center is a darned stupid reason to squander more.

Citizens of this city, where funds cannot be found for schools, where City Hall operations use the most primitive computer machinery, where planning seems to be based on concepts discarded elsewhere should be demanding a rapid halt to the idea that more subsidies will make the Convention Center more successful.


