
SIMI VALLEY : Geologists Agree to Study Soil Stability

Responding to Simi Valley homeowner’s concerns over ground that cracked and shifted in the Jan. 17 earthquake, state geologists have agreed to study soil stability on the city’s east end.

The state Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, will conduct a survey within 90 days, Assistant City Manager Mike Sedell told the City Council on Monday.

“They’re going to peel back the veneer of the land,” Sedell said. “That would give us a picture of what’s happening in that area.”


Most of the cost of the study will be paid out of state and federal emergency disaster relief funds, Sedell said.

Last week, more than 300 city residents packed a meeting to discuss concerns about the land under their homes, and the City Council agreed to ask the state to conduct the study.

At Monday night’s meeting, east-end resident Chris Thomas said homeowners are “guardedly relieved” at the state’s plan to conduct the survey. State geologists will concentrate on two quake-damaged strips surrounding the Arroyo Simi, from Katherine to Stow streets and from Yosemite Avenue to Kuehner Drive.
