
Caltrans Begins Its Banging Too Early

* We understand the need for pile drivers in the process of building and expanding our freeways, but is it absolutely necessary to begin the infernal pounding before 7 a.m. every morning? As a resident of the Saddleback Mobile Home Park at Main and Williams streets, and on behalf of several thousand elderly folks living within a few hundred yards of the Santa Ana and Costa Mesa freeways interchange, I strongly protest this early disturbing noise.

It is now over two years that we taxpayers--who are financing this work--have had to put up with this problem. Wouldn’t you think that they could at least wait until 8 a.m. to begin their deafening bang, bang, bang, bang?

Time after time we have contacted Caltran’s public relations department to protest this early, excessive, disturbing racket.

All we get in return is that the contractors are “within the law” and that’s that! Most cities have rules and regulations that confine unreasonable noise to reasonable hours, but not Tustin.



