
Buena, Hueneme Win Geography Honors


A Buena High School senior and a six-member team from Hueneme High School took top honors at the annual Geography Bowl at Oxnard College on Saturday.

Knowing that the recent Mexican uprising was in Chiapas and that the small African country of Gambia is surrounded by Senegal put 17-year-old Sovann Somreth on top in the individual competition.

“I don’t have any secret for preparing,” said Sovann, who plans to study biology and creative writing when he heads to college next year. “I get my information from all over. Most nights I’m doing my homework in front of the TV with Peter Jennings or MacNeil/Lehrer on.”


The team from Hueneme High School took home top honors in the team competition after surviving a grueling tie-breaker with two teams from Buena High School.

The top finishers beat out 140 other competitors from 10 Ventura County schools and were awarded atlases, inflatable globes, computer software and other gifts. The Hueneme team will keep the “Geo V” trophy at its school until next year’s competition.

“This entire concept of the whole world around you is very important,” said Allan Jacobs, president of the Ventura Community College District board and one of the event’s judges.
