
Central Library Sunday Hours

* When Kevin Starr accuses our overworked city librarians of irresponsible unionism (Opinion, March 6) he hides behind a grievous offense: irresponsible journalism. Where was his moral outrage when year after year, budget after budget, libraries’ services were savaged, spreading staff people impossibly thin, reducing hours and often leaving the public literally locked out?

Now it seems our librarians have the audacity to ask the city to honor its contract and pay them a premium for working Sundays, a day our society traditionally reserves for workers to be with their families. Irresponsible unionism? Not hardly. Basic unionism: protecting working people against the insensitive whims of the powers that be.

No question about it, the library should be open on the weekends, but don’t blame staffers for city neglect in finding the resources. Starr should point the finger closer to home. The Times--after years of just barely reporting the steady mutilation of library services--deserves much of the blame.



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