
Korea Society Sponsors Annual Essay Contest

The Korea Society/Los Angeles announces its 4th annual Essay Contest for high school students. This year’s topic, “My Vision of Korea in the Age of Globalization and Multiculturalism,” encourages students to understand and write about the concepts of global interdependence and a multicultural society. Fifty-two cash scholarships totaling $26,750 will be awarded.

There is also a contest for high school teachers. The National Teacher and High School Awards contest category will provide 15 cash awards for model working lesson plans on the topic, “Thinking Globally: Korea as an Instructional Model.”

Deadline for all entries is June 6. For more information, contact the Korea Society/Los Angeles, 5505 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., 90036; (800) 94-ESSAY or (213) 935-1560; fax, (213) 935-2782.
