
Sen. David Roberti

Re the editorial on the Roberti recall effort (March 13):

It is utterly irresponsible journalism to lump all of of David Roberti’s foes and critics into the same bunch as the gun groups. While such individuals may have gotten the recall going, the list of recall supporters has blossomed to include a wide variety of activists from the right, left and center. In fact, two of the five recall proponents listed on the original petition support the assault weapon ban. They also support cleaning up the Legislature. It is obvious to all political observers that Roberti is using the gun issue as a smoke screen. Roberti’s record as a legislator and his integrity and effectiveness are the only issues.

Can anyone deny that the California Legislature is rife with corruption, influence-peddling, pork-barreling, posturing and knee-jerk lawmaking? As President pro tempore of the Senate for more than a decade, Roberti has left his mark on that body by wielding tremendous power over pending legislation, committee appointments and project funding.

