
Special Bus Service for Disabled to Start

South Coast Area Transit will begin complementary curb-to-curb service for disabled Ventura County residents starting this summer, the Ventura County Transportation Commission has announced.

In cooperation with SCAT, the commission is certifying individuals who need the service, which is similar to a dial-a-ride or taxi service.

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that fixed-route bus systems such as SCAT be accessible to disabled people.


The fare for the new service will not exceed $2 one way, which is twice the amount of an adult bus fare, commission officials said.

SCAT is planning to begin its curb-to-curb service in July, but eligible individuals must become certified as soon as possible so that the bus system can tailor its services to their needs, commission officials said.

To be eligible, individuals must be unable to use a fixed-route bus because they are either physically or mentally unable to board, ride or disembark an accessible bus, or their disability prevents them from traveling to or from a bus stop.


Individuals must fill out an application, describe their disability and attend a brief interview to be certified for the service.

Once they are certified, an ADA identification card will be issued.

For applications or information, call (800) 438-1112.
