
NRA and ‘3 Strikes’

In the more than 2,000 words in your March 7 story about Mike Reynolds and the “three strikes and you’re out” movement, not one mention was made of the group that’s done more than anybody else to make it a reality--the National Rifle Assn.

The NRA has pushed three strikes laws for years now. In Washington state, a citizens’ movement to put a “three strikes” initiative on the ballot failed--until the NRA stepped in with financial, organizational and grass-roots support. From there, it’s taken off, and the NRA has been deeply involved all along. With the NRA’s $40,000 contribution to Mike Reynolds’ organization, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of NRA magazine publicity promoting it and countless California NRA members and activists all doing their part, you could have said NRA was a crucial element in the California “three strikes” victory.

The NRA’s 3.4 million law-abiding members deserve that recognition.


Executive Vice President

National Rifle Assn.

