
Design: Finding Best Arbiters of Street’s Image

What do a church and a martial arts supply store have in common? They occupy major floor space on Bellflower Boulevard, and therefore will have a preponderant voice in helping to determine the new look of the street in conjunction with design guidelines for downtown being discussed this month.

It’s a pity that the most important issue affecting Bellflower in a generation will be left to merchants who allowed a black and white checkerboard storefront indefinitely. Worse yet, City Hall can’t come up with a suitable image.

If anyone has the right to decide, it should be a select group of businessmen who have been planted downtown since 1967 when the community actually profited from its commercial district.


It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. I suggest someone take into account who’s painting the picture. There’s a world of difference between a Monet and a Dali.

