
Hearing Planned on Donut Shop Limits

A hearing on a request to restrict the operation of a donut shop that police allege is a nuisance and a magnet for crime has been set for May 2.

The owners of the shop, Orville’s Originals, have already cut back hours but plan to fight the issue before a city zoning official.

For five years, the shop at Vanowen Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard was the base of operations for Mary Lou Holte, who launched a personal crusade to clean up the streets in the neighborhood.


Shop owners Ulysses and Zuita Contador have blamed their problems on Holte. She has left the shop and has stated that she will testify against the Contadors at the hearing.

The hearings will be held at the Sherman Oaks Woman’s Club, 4808 Kester Ave., in Sherman Oaks. Zoning officials from the city of Los Angeles will use police and public testimony during each hearing to decide whether to restrict the location’s operating hours, force the owners to hire security or take other action.
