
Conference on Choices for HIV Treatment

A conference for those who are HIV positive will be held Saturday at UC Irvine.

“The conference is really needed because we are in a new era,” Amy Buch, director of education at AIDS Services Foundation, said.

“Because of new treatment options for HIV-positive persons, decision-making has become even more crucial than before.

“The first treatment strategy is now perhaps the most important treatment decision a client may make.”


The conference, titled “HIV: New Perspectives,” will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and is free to anyone who is HIV positive.

The cost is $35 for others.

Keynote speakers are Michael Shriver, director of public policy for the National Assn. for People With AIDS in Washington; Lark Lands, author and health educator; and Dr. Octavio Vallejo, who specializes in infectious diseases and epidemiology.

Information: (714) 253-1512.
