
Buckley on Listing HIV Carriers

William F. Buckley Jr. (Commentary, Oct. 30) proves himself an intellectual thug in his despicable essay regarding public identification of HIV-positive individuals.

To cite the example of Nushawn Williams as if he represents everyday behavior is to cynically identify an exception as the rule for the promulgation of political ideology. What could be the possible purpose of this yet-to-be-described form of public identification other than to isolate the individual facing the HIV challenge? Is Buckley suggesting that it exist solely so that a prospective sexual partner can check out a selection prior to consummation?

The best protection is awareness of the virus; how it is spread and how to avoid infection. Regarding sexual encounters, assume all people are carriers and behave accordingly. And continue to support medical efforts to find a cure.


Had Williams shot his partners instead of infecting them, would Buckley make as strident and reactionary a case for gun control?


Los Angeles


Buckley’s column about identifying HIV carriers bodes a dreadful and alarming future. Buckley offers no effective disposition of the problem, but it is obvious that only extreme measures are needed, privacy and “rights” be damned!

Once identified as carriers, the victims should immediately be isolated on uninhabited islands beyond our coast where they can live in a resort-like and peaceful ambience, and where treatment and research would be available. Until a cure is found, I can see no better way to check this rapidly burgeoning and fatal epidemic.



