
Most Wanted: The Los Angeles Police Department’s...

Most Wanted: The Los Angeles Police Department’s “Valley’s Most Wanted” World Wide Web pages reached a milestone 100,000 visits, officials announced Tuesday. The first of the Web pages was created two years ago for the West Valley Division and has since spread to the Van Nuys, Devonshire and Foothill divisions. The first departmentwide site should be online this week. The Web address of the LAPD sites is https://www.instanet. com/lapd

* STILL A CHAMP: As Olympic decathlon champion, Rafer Johnson once held the title of world’s greatest athlete. Thirty-seven years later, he embodies the true meaning of sportsmanship. Eric Sondheimer’s column. C8

* LEAF BLOWERS: More than 200 angry gardeners marched a mile and a half in bare feet to protest a pending leaf blower ban. B6


* GROWING GLENDALE: Glendale has quietly emerged as an address of choice for businesses in the late 1990s. Jeanne Armstrong, above, is director of development services for the city. D8

* BLACK STUDIES: Cal State Northridge celebrated the 29th anniversary of the founding, amid campus turmoil, of its Pan-African studies department. B1
