Diabetes Facts on an International Scale
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November is National Diabetes Month. Today, a look at diabetes across the globe.
World Diabetes Day will be recognized Friday in more than 100 countries to raise awareness about the risks, symptoms and complications of this major health problem.
* There are two basic forms of diabetes: insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1) and non-insulin dependent (type 2). Type 2 accounts for 90% of all diabetes cases worldwide.
* Diabetes is the fourth main cause of death in many countries.
* Today there are about 135 million people with diabetes worldwide (16 million in the United States); this number is expected to rise to almost 300 million by 2025.
* The majority of new cases will be type 2 and will be in China, the Indian subcontinent and Africa.
* The number of cases of diabetes worldwide has tripled since 1985.
* Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness and visual impairment in adults in economically developed societies.
* The treatment of diabetes accounts for 5% to 10% of health budgets.
* Diabetes is the most common cause of amputation of the lower limbs.
* In the United States, while AIDS and cancer deaths have dropped, diabetes-related deaths continue to rise 2% to 3% annually.
* Diabetes is particularly common in aging populations and increases in proportion to the numbers of people who live longer.
* An estimated 25% of the world’s nations have not made any specific provision for diabetes care in their national health plans.
Sources: World Health Organization; International Diabetes Federation.
* Next week: Guest Workout with actor Dorian Gregory of “Baywatch Nights,” who has diabetes.