
Groups Collecting for Needy Families

For more than 30 years, the Christmas Clearing Bureau has helped needy families have a happy holiday.

This year, about 500 families each will receive a box of canned and dry goods, toys for the children and grocery store gift certificates, said Danny Figueroa of the city’s Human Services Department.

Placentia Roundtable Women’s Club started the charitable program, but in recent years the city has taken over to coordinate the effort.


Volunteers are needed to prepare the gift boxes. Also, a container will be placed in the police station lobby at the Civic Center, 401 E. Chapman Ave., starting Monday for donations of unwrapped toys for children up to 15 years old. Information: (714) 993-8288.

The Homeless Intervention and Shelter House is also seeking donations of gifts for children and adults, Christmas decorations, wrapping paper and nonperishable for former shelter residents. Information: (714) 993-5774.
