
A Bubbly Brew

“This ain’t no soda pop!”

That’s Nancee Borgnine talking--she, the effervescent offspring of papa Ernest of “Marty” and “McHale’s Navy” fame--about her new coffee soda, an all-natural soft drink called Borgnine’s.

The nonalcoholic beverage--meant to be drunk cold like a brewski--is made of Italian roast coffee and carbonated water and sweetened with raw cane.

“I’ve always loved coffee and always have been somewhat entrepreneurial, so why not do something with coffee?” says Borgnine, a former producer and casting director who confesses to downing about 10 cups of java before 9 a.m. on most days.


Borgnine, president of Borgnine Beverage Co., came up with her idea 18 months ago--and stuck with it despite naysayers who believed a good tasting coffee soda using conventional soft drink manufacturing methods could not be done.

Then she met Chris Reed of the Original Beverage Co., who liked what Borgnine had and manufactured the drink. It comes in 12-ounce long-neck bottles, intact with Papa Borgnine’s smiling face and signature.

“It bubbles up and foams like champagne,” says Borgnine, adding that it’s great with ice cream--as in a float--with Kahlua, Bailey’s Irish Creme and flavored creamers.


Locally, it can be found at Trader Joe’s, Hughes Markets, Whole Food Markets and specialty gourmet shops. Soon, she’ll be taking her product on the road across the country.

“I want to conquer the world,” she says. “I want people to say ‘Anybody want a Borgnine?’ ”
