
School Bond Balloting

* Our schools seem to be studying ways to spend money instead of saving it or using other means to raise it. The big spend now is a special election scheduled for April 14.

The public has already informed them that we cannot afford the tax burden or don’t want to pass it on to our children and grandchildren.

The state lottery was supposed to raise money for the schools. I have not seen an accounting of how much money is actually raised. If the amount is not sufficient, change the lottery law.


There should also be a way to repair school property by providing work projects for prisoners or those who elect to work instead of going to jail.

The taxpayers are already burdened with bonds to pay off. Why are we adding more?


Thousand Oaks


* I hate most government bonds with a passion. Other than self-liquidating home-loan bonds for our veterans, I rarely vote for them.

Measure V is different. For a change, no money goes to Washington. None goes to Sacramento. Or anywhere else. It all stays here to benefit each of us in many ways.


Like a home loan, it’s an investment in our community’s present as well as its future, building equity year after year in our own wonderful Conejo Valley.

One has only to look over the extensive list of much-needed repairs at each of our many schools to quickly realize that our children deserve better, our teachers deserve better and we deserve better.

After all the discussions about this choice, though, it really comes down to this: Great teachers and children, bad buildings.


Let’s use Measure V--the Victory Bond--to take care of the bad buildings. This is one cause even a bond-hater like me can support.


Thousand Oaks
