
Brown a Rarity: a Caring Politician

* After reading Kenneth L. Khachigian’s March 29 column on Jerry Brown, we concluded he is better suited to write for the tabloids.

If Jerry Brown had a book on the bestseller list, [Khachigian] would write a review having not read the book.

Jerry is not like the typical politician ambitious for power. He is a courageous and caring man. He is not indifferent to the greed that is taking over the political process or to the ruthless growth for the sake of growth or to the abuses of the environment, or to the powerless.


Khachigian apparently cannot comprehend any of this.

As for us, we don’t care what Jerry Brown calls himself politically; we need more Jerry Browns in this country and in this world.




* Kenneth Khachigian’s column on ex-Gov. Jerry Brown implies that we all have to live in a certain kind of house, drive a big car and belong to the Democratic or Republican party.

Thankfully, it’s part of the American tradition for some people to march to a different drummer.


It’s true that Brown has lived an unconventional life, but his philosophy that we should all care deeply about the welfare of others and the environment demonstrates anything but self-absorption.

His We the People organization has educated the public on many important issues. I say more power to Jerry Brown. His election would bring a breath of fresh air to the office of mayor in Oakland.


