
Clinton Betrayal of Lower Classes

Re “Real Scandal: Betrayal of the Poor,” Column Left, April 7:

Bravo to Robert Scheer for refocusing our attention on the true disgrace of the Clinton presidency: betrayal of the economic interests of the working people. Ironically, Scheer’s article appeared on the very day you reported the merger of Citicorp and Travelers Group (which previously subsumed Primerica, Commercial Credit, Aetna, Smith Barney and Salomon Bros.) so that they will now have 100 million customers in 100 countries, combined assets of $700 billion and an operating profit of $7.5 billion!

Closer to home, I watch Toys R Us swallow all the toy chains, Costco take over the discount houses, Fry’s defeat the electronic stores, etc. Does it seem to anyone else in America that only 12 people now own and control the entire country?

Whatever happened to antitrust legislation? Whatever happened to a president and Congress who watchdogged on behalf of the people? Where does a disillusioned Democrat turn now?





Predictably, Scheer argues against success for the greatest number of Americans so that his historically disproved theories of wealth redistribution may once again be debunked. As the whole world, excepting the French, moves closer to the miracle of capitalism, Scheer wants to return to the command economies’ failures. But now, over 53% of Americans have direct investments in the success of corporate America through mutual funds and retirement accounts: We’re not returning to some socialist-concocted utopia.

But that won’t stop Scheer from banking his paycheck and bemoaning the fact that he’s consistently on the wrong side of history.


Marina del Rey
