
Media Coverage of Clinton

James Pinkerton does it again (Column Right, April 9). His article would have the reader believe that it is a mob of libidinous, licentious, lecherous Democrat reporters out there that is salivating to bring us every detail, whether substantiated or not, of the Washington sex scandal.

But he says nothing about the owners of Fox, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Time Warner, Disney, Westinghouse and General Electric, and a host of other prominent Republicans, who hire and pay the reporters to write what they are told to write and what sells most readily to the public. “Bottom-line” results matter most.

Obviously, these mainstream “90% Democrat” reporters “hate themselves in the morning.” Do the Republican owners hate themselves in the morning? I doubt it. Pinkerton knows the facts here, but his column is a smoke screen to cover for those owners who are allowing the tabloid environment to prosper.



Newport Beach

* While a host of press and TV obsessives, from Alexander Cockburn on the extreme left (Column Left, April 9) to Pinkerton on the far right, give a new meaning to “trash talking” as they wallow in every sex allegation concerning the private life of a president, an uncomprehending world stands awed by the incredible intelligence and vitality of a man who is doing more than any other to shape a peaceful planet.

If, after near 800 years of foreign occupation and near 80 years of internecine strife, Ireland opts for peace, the catalyst will indeed be President Clinton (“A Catalyst in N. Ireland’s Search for Peace,” April 9). If not, it will be despite the herculean efforts of a giant international statesman.

Wake up, press of America! You have your own prophet without honor. The world knows. The stock market knows. The American people know. It’s time for the press to know.



Professor Emeritus

Cypress College
