
Hearing to Address Marblehead Concerns

Because of overwhelming attendance at last month’s Planning Commission meeting, a public hearing to consider amendments to the 250-acre Marblehead coastal development will be held at 7 tonight in the Triton Center at San Clemente High School, 700 Avenida Pico.

Lusk Co. is proposing to build 436 single-family homes, a 60,000-square-foot retail center and a 750,000-square-foot entertainment center on the site.

Residents opposing the project were concerned about increased traffic, noise, smog and crime and decreased property values for nearby homes and loss of their ocean views.


The complaints have prompted city officials to consider eliminating segments of the commercial proposal for construction of a Target store, a grocery and a drugstore.

Those supporting the development say the city needs the additional tax revenue, shopping convenience and other benefits such as the construction of an Interstate 5 freeway interchange.
