
Kenneth Starr

Re “Starr Says He Won’t Take Jobs at Pepperdine,” April 17: Perhaps independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s decision to withdraw from promised positions at Pepperdine University will now free him in the future to assist the endeavors of the Rutherford Institute directly rather than indirectly.


Beverly Hills


Pepperdine faculty, students and alumni should be breathing a heavy sigh of relief to finally be disassociated from Starr, a man clearly disliked by a majority of Americans. I cannot imagine any way that an association with Starr and his petty, wasteful, unethical and sexually obsessed investigation would enhance the prestige of Pepperdine, or any other academic institution for that matter.

As for Starr, maybe he’ll find a position teaching business seminars wherein he shares his expertise on how one can spend upward of $40 million of other people’s money examining a $200,000 problem and not get canned. The fact that it doesn’t concern Starr that these wasted millions could have better been used in our public education system leads me to believe that he has no business in academics anyway.



Santa Monica


If a picture paints a thousand words, certainly your coverage of the Inquisition (Column One) and Starr in adjacent columns on April 17 is worth at least as many editorials! The Inquisition? Kenneth Starr? Same difference!


Moreno Valley


“They have forgotten how to blush.” This indictment by an ancient seer to his nation needs to be restated for our great nation.

No one blushes anymore when politicians lie, when adultery is accepted as normal, when celebrities and ordinary Americans physically and mentally abuse one another, when preteens slaughter their peers in the schoolyard, when small children are battered for no reason, when God’s name is trashed, when racial slurs are carelessly uttered, when houses of worship are burned and vandalized.


Recently, it was said of Starr that he even “blushes when he hears a dirty joke.” The guffaws ascended all over America at this vignette. I am happy to hear that any public official is capable of blushing. And if all Starr wants is the truth and if he is embarrassed for us all when he does not get it, then I hope he continues on his quest and is not deterred.




I would gladly read Robert Scheer anywhere. But his April 14 Column Left belongs on the front page. My headline would be “Hillary Was Right.”


Los Angeles


What baffles me is why the taxpayers tolerate Starr spending more than $40 million when volunteers would line up and stumble all over themselves for free to look in bedroom windows!



Toluca Lake


The feds better not get rid of those Tustin blimp hangers quite yet. They’ll need them to store Starr’s paperwork. After all, he’s only spent $40 million, so far, with no resolution in sight.


Temple City
