
Video Shelf

* New This Week: Japanese magnum auteur Takeshi “Beat” Kitano brings both his twitchy, roughneck persona and his penchant for extravagant brutality to “Brother,” a riveting if erratic thriller in which he plays a yakuza soldier forced to flee to Los Angeles, where he builds his own multicultural crime empire. From this film--a sleek, disorderly hybrid of Japanese warrior saga and American gangsta melodrama--you could get the idea that slicing off your own fingers would win you sympathy and whatever else you might be after.

Top 5 VHS rentals:

1. Rush Hour 2

2. The Princess Diaries

3. Scary Movie 2

4. The Score

5. Jurassic Park III


Top 5 DVD rentals:

1. Rush Hour 2

2. Scary Movie 2

3. The Score

4. Jurassic Park III

5. Pearl Harbor


Rental video charts provided by VSDAVidTrac, sales charts by VideoScan Inc.
