
Two ‘Evildoers’ Meet at the Bar of Justice

Re “Enron Auditor Says Fired Partner Drove Shredding,” Jan. 25: The difference between “evildoers” and the sheep who follow became apparent last week. David Duncan, former partner of the Andersen accounting firm, appeared before Congress in an expensive suit, protected by lawyers, and refused to answer any questions that were put to him, and he walked out.

On the sheep side, John Walker Lindh was brought to court in chains, sporting the latest in prison jumpsuits, and was returned to his maximum security cell (“U.S. Talib Goes to Court on Conspiracy Counts,” Jan. 25). My guess is that Duncan will cut a deal and serve no time for ratting out the other Enron evildoers. And Lindh will be on the fast track for life in a federal prison.

Bill Parish



Johnny the Kid came from good stock. As an adventurous young lad he chose the excitement of riding with the notorious Osama bin Laden gang. The sheriff and his posse combed the hills until they rounded up the gang--minus the leader. The townspeople were outraged to find Johnny hiding out with the band of outlaws. They found the Kid guilty, by public opinion, and hung him in the town square for all to see.


Meanwhile, across town, due to lack of funds, the bank of Enron was shutting its doors. As the local ranchers were pounding on the front door demanding their money, the banker and his assistants were stuffing their satchels with cash. The dirty sidewinders ducked out the back door and caught the first stage out of town.

The sheriff and his deputies were torn as they formed a posse to give chase. They were good pals of the banker, for he had contributed greatly in getting them their jobs. So, when they returned empty-handed, saying they lost the trail, the townsfolk eyed them suspiciously. Rumor has it that the banker settled in another town and opened a new bank.

To be continued. . . .

Albert Obregon



Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

While the actions of Enron and its auditor Andersen are deplorable, I can’t help but be amused at our government’s posturing and outrage. The U.S. government is the master of creative accounting. Billions are accounted for off balance sheets and the financial condition of the country is grossly misrepresented.


Unfortunately, average Americans don’t appear to be overly concerned with the big picture as long as they get theirs and life continues along in the same pattern. I fear that one day the charade of governmental accounting will catch up to us (possibly when Social Security goes bankrupt) and, like Enron investors, the public will be left wondering how this could have happened.

Erik Messinger

Anaheim Hills


It was a fast, great decision to freeze the assets of the backers of terrorism. The administration would hardly make the same decision against the executive class no matter how crooked and conniving members of the Enron hierarchy were to their own workers.

It would be too simple to freeze the assets on stock traded as of a set date in volume over 1,000 shares and give that money back to the pension fund. It would certainly take fewer lawyers, who are about to drain away whatever is left.


Lou Bock

Santa Monica


Re “Federal Agents Probe Shredding Inside Enron,” Jan. 23: “I’m absolutely confident the American people know that my administration has acted the right way,” President Bush said. Then, Dubya, you wouldn’t mind turning over all printed, recorded and digital information taken before, during and after your administration’s energy meetings with Kenneth Lay or his agents, would you? As a voting American about to be stiffed for your bankrupt pal’s losses, I have a right to know.

Stephen Pitt

Moreno Valley
