
Higher Gasoline Tax Could Help the State

Re “Upward Pressure at the Pump,” July 8: It is obvious that higher prices at the gas pump are here to stay. I suggest that California raise the gasoline tax 50 cents more per gallon. I would rather see the money go to the state than to the petroleum refineries. I would, however, restrict the windfall of funds for the purpose of building and maintaining roads and bridges. The repairs would generate jobs and the additional taxes and services that go with a larger employment base. Further, a higher price per gallon should initiate more car-pooling, mass transit and the purchase of more fuel-efficient vehicles.

There would be less pollution, fewer traffic jams, more parking, shorter commuting times, less road rage and less wear and tear on our cars. There might be fewer car accidents and, perhaps, lower automobile insurance premiums. More people might increase their walking distances. Perhaps more people would get more exercise and lose weight, having some effect in driving down medical costs. Let’s quit complaining and grab control of our lives.

Hector Ramirez

Santa Monica
