
No Excuse for Denial of Cubans’ Liberties

Kudos for publishing the brave words of Oswaldo Paya (Commentary, July 14), one of Cuba’s dissidents and a recognized voice for peaceful resistance to Castro’s regime. It is indeed high time for all governments and human rights organizations to make clear to the Cuban dictator that enough is enough, and that Stalinism belongs in history and not in the 21st century. Enough with the “imperialist U.S.” excuse, and enough with the “Cuban sovereignty” excuse.

And if some Latin American politicians seem to admire Castro (“Latins Warm to Castro’s Defiance,” July 14), it is because they coldly choose to look the other way when liberties and rights are trampled on the island. But the current crop of Latin leaders is largely irrelevant, and whatever they think about Castro will not make any difference in the future of the long-suffering Cuban people.

Alexis I. Torres

