
Case Just Goes to Show That You Never Know

Well, Kobe, you said we’d see. You said that once it all comes out, everything will be fine. You said that we know you, and you’d never commit anything like sexual assault. And you’re also a family man who would never commit adultery too, right?

Well, things have gone from bad to worse. So, just what are we going to see again?

Rick Lopez

Thousand Oaks

No, Kobe, we really don’t know you wouldn’t do something like that [July 13].

Remember, you’re a very private individual off the court. Just months ago, we didn’t know you had been estranged from your dad for some time. So, don’t tell us we know you, because we definitely don’t know what you do off the court.

Buddy Ochoa

West Hollywood

People will talk and people will talk. Anger, betrayal and all sorts of emotions will be played out, and both Kobe Bryant and the woman involved in this case will be described to varying degrees depending upon one’s view of the case. Hopefully, everyone will keep their emotions in check and keep some perspective, but being human, fair judgment is not to be widely expected, unfortunately.


I hope only that the media and those whom the general public will depend upon for news keep the facts straight and the descriptive elements to a minimum. Let’s hope our thirst for sensationalism and conflict are somewhat kept in check this time.

Chris Franco

San Diego

A word of advice to Kobe Bryant’s wife: Dump the bum!

Craig Fagan

San Diego
