
Tuning In to a New Voice

Thanks to your article about KFI host Johnny Wendell (“Colloquy With a Screaming Liberal,” by Nelson Handel, Metropolis, July 6), I can now safely tune in--for a few weekend hours anyway--to the medium I gave up when I grew bored of the steady barrage of angry conservative men. Good for KFI for making a baby step in the direction of progress. Now maybe they will find a woman who can talk about topical events instead of just disseminating advice or recipes.

Pam Quinn



Wendell claims that talk radio is “fully orchestrated by the Republican National Committee.” This strikes me as a case of pot vs. kettle. As a leftist who admits to loathing the Bush administration, does Wendell manage to keep a straight face as he parrots the talking points of Terry McAuliffe and the Democratic National Committee every weekend? He claims that he wants to be “like a car wreck” so we all “have to look.” Well, hopefully friends don’t let friends drive hypocritically.

Robert McArthur

Los Angeles
