
State Should Have Enforced Its Air Rules

Re “Regulators Order L.A., Orange Counties to Cut Fine-Particle Pollution,” June 30: The article noted that some California officials say they would need more help from Washington to meet the new standards. This would be laughable if it weren’t so sad. California had powerful leverage to persuade the auto industry to reduce emissions but politicians folded under pressure from auto lobbying groups. The state had required that 10% of all cars have zero emissions by 1998. The target year was changed to 2001, then 2005 and then removed altogether.

As a driver of a Honda Hybrid Civic for the last two years, I say shame on the state and politicians who want the federal government to do the job that our state refused to do. Had the state enforced the original standards for zero emissions we would have been well on our way to resolving the problem.

Sharon Zini

La Quinta
