
Reflections on Payout to 9/11 Victims

The Nov. 9 article, “Payout to Victims of 9/11 Tops $38 Billion,” states: “Insurance companies and federal government provided more than 90% of the payment.” That comes to more than $12 million for each of the 3,000 victims. How much did our soldiers who died in Iraq after 9/11 and the victims in the Oklahoma City bombing get from our government?

Paul Chow



It is gratifying that the U.S. compensation paid to victims of the 9/11 attacks and their families exceeded $38 billion. However, it made me think of the innocent civilian victims of our attack on Iraq whose numbers we refuse to estimate but which must be well in excess of 100,000.

These people, and Iraq itself, had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks against the United States. Yet when we invaded Iraq and made it a battlefield in the so-called war on terror, these innocent men, women and children also became victims of 9/11 because we chose to make them victims. Their only compensation is more suffering and an uncertain future.


Ralph S. Mavrogordato

La Jolla
