
Holiday closures

Today is Veterans Day. The following schedule will be in effect in the Inland Empire.

Riverside County

Schools: No classes will be held at public schools, UC Riverside, Riverside Community College, College of the Desert, Mt. San Jacinto College or Palo Verde College.

Mail: None will be delivered, and post offices will be closed.

Banks: Most will be closed.

Public transportation: Riverside Transit Agency, Sunline Transit Agency and most city transportation services will run. Metrolink trains will run. Information: (800) 371-LINK.

Trash collection: Trash will be collected on the regular schedule.

Government: City, county and federal offices and courts will be closed.

Libraries: County and city facilities will be closed.

San Bernardino County

Schools: No classes will be held at public schools.

Mail: None will be delivered, and post offices will be closed.

Banks: Most will be closed.

Public transportation: Omnitrans and Victorville Transit will run.

Trash Collection: Trash will be collected on the regular schedule.

Government: City, county and federal offices and courts will be closed.

Libraries: County and city facilities will be closed.

Los Angeles Times
