
Arafat Missed Chance to Create Palestinian State

Re “Behind the Camp David Myth,” Commentary, Nov. 12: Robert Malley’s musings on the reasons why Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat might have turned down Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s offer at Camp David in July 2000 do not change the facts. Arafat had the opportunity to establish a viable, contiguous Palestinian state based on the Barak-Clinton offer, which would have fundamentally changed for the better the lives of the Palestinians.

Arafat left Camp David without making a counterproposal or response to the Israeli offer, in effect turning his back on negotiations. Within two months, Arafat provoked and embraced the outbreak of Palestinian violence against Israelis, thereby further undercutting Israeli confidence in him. The challenge will be for the Palestinian leadership to overcome this legacy of obstacles and excuses and usher in a new future for its people.

Howard Sherwood

Chairman, Pacific Southwest Region,

Anti-Defamation League

Los Angeles
