
Powell’s Resignation Is a Loss for the Nation

Secretary of State Colin Powell announced his resignation Monday. That is both the good news and the bad news. Of all the Cabinet members who had clarity on our role in the world, he was the one who was betrayed by his boss, President Bush, and his gaggle of neoconservative advisors. Sent to the United Nations with bogus information to make the president’s case for launching a war against Iraq, Powell has since been the quiet but loyal soldier who only a career officer could be.

Who could blame Powell for leaving his betrayers behind? Yet he is the one man this country needs more than ever before to right the ship of state before the neocons take this once great nation to total disgrace and final implosion.

David Ohman



I wonder how many of the undecided who voted for George Bush might have voted for John Kerry instead if they knew how many members of the Bush Cabinet would jump ship after the election?


Jerry Berger

Los Angeles


So Bush is spending his “capital” by getting rid of the one lone, reasonable, moderate voice in his Cabinet, “resignation” being a euphemism. Excuse me while I pull the covers over my head for the next four years. Upon emerging, maybe I’ll find some who are repairing the wreckage of our country. Oh, wait, they’ll still be rebuilding Fallouja.

Melissa Verdugo

Rancho Palos Verdes
