
Words of advice for those left in a blue state

Regarding the article about postelection angst [“Dejected Voters Find Themselves in an Even Bluer State,” Nov. 8]: I’ve lived through Nixon’s, Reagan’s and both Bushes’ victories. My parents, Adlai Stevenson supporters, had to cope with frustration all through the 1950s. So welcome to the club.

What did Democrats do in the “old days” after getting creamed at the polls? We rolled up our sleeves and kept working, on the national and local levels. It kept us sane and also turned the heat up on the party in power.

Political involvement isn’t a way to get high every four years; it’s the work of a lifetime, as well as the responsibility of every citizen. So get busy, Kerry supporters. Join a local Democratic club, or start one. I promise you’ll feel better.


Bonnie Sloane

Los Angeles


It’s no wonder people are having a hard time dealing with a “narrow victory,” since it was anything but. Not only was their heart broken, a stake was driven through it. That’s what happens when you lose by 51% and the coattails pick up more in Congress. One thing is certain: Business is picking up for psychiatrists nationwide. That’s one way to get the economy going.

Joe Chavira

La Mirada


Clinical psychologist Renana Brooks states that her patients have been experiencing a “worse trauma than 9/11” over the defeat of John Kerry. But her patients can look forward to the day, four years from now, when President Bush is out of office. How many families of the victims of 9/11 can look forward to the day, four years from now, when their loved ones come home?

Carrie Mahan

Newbury Park


I must confess that Bush’s victory left me elated and, in a selfish way, gloating. After reading the “Dejected Voters” article, I reminisced about a similar event.


It was November 1992. Bill Clinton and Barbara Boxer had won. My wife and I sat dejected as the results were given. It was a conservative Republican nightmare. Shortly after this election, I read a profound article. The gist of it was -- political defeat is not spiritual defeat. Life goes on! You Kerry supporters (or Bush haters) need to lighten up (comparing it to 9/11?!). The sun will rise tomorrow; birds will sing.

Matt Stankus

