
Voices in the Tookie Williams debate

Re “Who let this Dogg out?” Opinion, Dec. 7

Although still critical of The Times’ editorial staff changes, I must say that I am impressed with Erin Aubry Kaplan’s first column. Going to some pains to not advocate for Stanley Tookie Williams nor overly lampoon Snoop Dogg, she has constructed a thought-provoking piece of journalism. I will continue to look for her column with interest.




Re Kaplan’s description of the “racially oppressive age of George W. Bush”: Hardly. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is a far, far better role model for young blacks than rapper Snoop Dogg, the Rev. Al Sharpton or any of Kaplan’s other so-called leaders.


Pike Road, Ala.


There has been a lot of hype regarding Williams’ approaching execution date. It seems to me that the issue here is whether the death penalty has any place in a civilized society. Williams shouldn’t be executed, nor should any other prisoner on death row, not because they are such great guys but because state-sponsored barbarism is unacceptable in the U.S. in the 21st century. And, at the very least, the death penalty has not been shown to be a deterrent to violent crime.



Los Angeles
