
Vatican on priesthood and following God’s will

Re “The Vatican’s real scandal,” editorial, Dec. 4

Again the Vatican’s approach to dealing with a definable problem is to send up a massive smokescreen of rhetoric and verbiage limiting its ranks to men without a “deep-seated” homosexual tendency who have demonstrated a three-year period of abstinence.

There is a huge difference between being gay and being a pedophile. It would be unlikely for the Vatican to issue a doctrine requiring would-be priests to be free from a deep-seated pedophilic tendency.

One would expect that, regardless of homosexual or heterosexual tendencies, the vow of celibacy would mean just that; and of course let’s not forget: no indulgence in criminal activity. This is the essence of Christianity.



Long Beach


Your editorial suggested that the Vatican’s purpose behind its policy on homosexuals in the priesthood is either to underline the immorality of homosexuality or stem sexual abuse. Neither is the case.

The church’s purpose is to follow God’s will. It’s a pity that neither the church nor the pope (nor anyone else on this planet) actually knows anything about God or God’s will. It is an exercise in vanity and futility.


Woodland Hills
