
Social Security and the Bush Agenda

Re “Social Security Plan Hits Shoals,” news analysis, June 27: President Bush’s campaign to radically reshape Social Security has foundered because it was based on two lies: that Social Security is in crisis (it’s not) and that carving private investment accounts out of the existing system would somehow ensure its long-term solvency (it won’t). If Social Security does have a mid-century solvency problem (and the experts disagree on that), diverting funds to private accounts, by itself, would do nothing to address that problem.

Len Gardner

Laguna Woods


The wonder is not that Bush cannot muster more support for a misguided proposal that will either destroy Social Security or the rest of the federal budget (as will the idiotic “alternative” of using current surpluses to fund private accounts), but that congressional Republicans have so blindly and uniformly supported his other major policies: tax cuts, over half of which have gone to the wealthiest 5%, that have turned a budget surplus to a massive deficit and a senseless war based on a pack of lies. The weak support for Social Security private accounts shows that there are even limits for elephants who have had their trunks wrapped in each others’ tails.

I also do not understand Janet Hook’s contrast with Bush’s “leadership” in foreign affairs. Has there been an administration with a more incompetent foreign policy? Has there been a president who has been looked upon with more derision by our allies and more contempt by the rest of the world?


David Perel

Los Angeles


Although I wish that the Democrats would come up with a plan to rescue Social Security, I understand their reticence. They know that Vice President Dick Cheney and his ilk will lie about their plan. The new plan put forth by a Republican wants to create private accounts from the Social Security surpluses instead of spending the money as at present. Seems to me Al Gore was mocked about his lockbox, while the president who spent those funds with tax cuts and a war now complains that the money isn’t there.

Jack Seidman

Long Beach


Bush says he was elected to create and lead an agenda. Sorry, but he was elected to enforce the will of the American people (even those of us who didn’t vote for him). It is becoming increasingly clear that more and more Americans disagree with the way he is leading this country, particularly on Social Security and Iraq. He needs to start listening instead of ignoring what the people want.

Amy A. Schwab

Los Angeles
